Hormones Aside, I Still Don’t Understand

Yea It's Virtual... When I was younger I was addicted to playing something called ‘Interactive Fiction’ which was just a bunch of difficult puzzling situations in a row until you achieved a goal. In retrospect, it was a lot like raising children, but with more positive feedback. Plus, those games took way less than twenty …

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Half Full? Half Empty? Either Way Its Not Enough!!

Looking for a hobby So, I’ve been looking into some new things to try to fill all my lonely hours. Well, I actually don’t have lonely hours. There are five people, four green plants, three animals, two rare orchids and a partridge-in a pear tree, living in my house. Well, not really. The partridge and …

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This Could Change The World As We Know It!!

Question everything There’s a company called Impossible Foods. Once again Mr. Ohh! must challenge this for the good of all. If these foods are impossible, then how can folks be making them. Obviously they’re possible. Also, they must be profitable, or again no one would know about them. Elsewise there would be some nerdy inventor, …

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