Cart Wars ep III Revenge Of The Siht… Head!!!

The way of the world I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, “I Love Stupid People” Many comedians start their shows by saying the opposite, but they’re lying. They like senseless folks more than I do. If not, where would they get all their material? Hmmm? Imagine going to a show, and the …

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THE QUEST; A Journey Of Miles, A Song Of Sorrow, And The Tale Of A Toilet Seat

A Prequel (because I've always wanted a prequel) Before I start, I want to say something. Of course, even after what I just said I understand I’ve already started simply by saying, “Before I start…” However, before I continue starting… Now there’s an interesting statement. Can one truly ‘continue starting’? I mean starting is something …

Continue reading THE QUEST; A Journey Of Miles, A Song Of Sorrow, And The Tale Of A Toilet Seat

I Never Thought I’d Miss Adult Themed Ads!!

My new RV Apparently, at some point in the recent past, I purchased a recreational vehicle. I hope I like the color. Also, I seriously hope I got one of those awning things for sunny days. You can’t survive hot weather without one of those. You’d think I would’ve remembered details like these, but frankly, …

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Yes!! I Do Mind If You Place Me On Hold

For the right price... It’s come to my attention, the best way to make money in business, is not to do business. You don’t make money by creating, manufacturing, and selling stuff. That’s caveman thinking. You make money by creating and selling businesses. The businesses you sell don’t actually have to make money. You just …

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