Mr. Ohh!’s Salute To The Impatient Community

A common scenerio Have you ever been cruising down the highway, as fast as you like, when all of a sudden there’s one crazy person who has the unmitigated gall to drive the speed limit? You hit the brakes, and find yourself going slower than molasses in January. You can’t pass him, because all the …

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It’s Time Somebody Stood Up For Everything Else!!!

What is happening? I was at my local donut place and saw something disturbing. They’re selling avocado toast, and almond milk lattes at the donut shop. They even had a bran donut with sugar-free glaze. I was shocked! This is the donut shop. The last bastion of unhealthy caloric goodness in the world, and they …

Continue reading It’s Time Somebody Stood Up For Everything Else!!!

It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory If Mr. Ohh Proves It!!

A Disclaimer I don’t want to sound judgmental, but there are an awful lot of idiots out there. Everyone has the right to be stupid, and I will defend this right to my dying day. Founding fathers died defending you right to be nuts. On the other hand, way too many folks are abusing this …

Continue reading It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory If Mr. Ohh Proves It!!